Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The Visitation (Edward Sri)

Our CIA boys have been studying the typology of Mary in the Old Testament. 
• We started our study with a close inspection of our much loved Hail Mary Prayer. 
• We read the the source of the prayer, which is Scripture, specifically Luke1:28, and 41-43. 
• We then entered into the deeper vocabulary waters of typology, foreshadowing, and pre-figuration. Our study of the three "types" of Mary in the OT has been approached with gusto and attentiveness. 
• Mary as the new Eve
• Mary as the Ark of the New Covenant
• The Queenship of Mary


The following notes are not proofed yet:
 Mary went in haste to serve Elizabeth - what a great model for us!

The way Elizabeth greets Mary is utterly remarkable!
She bestows titles upon Mary that have not been used for centuries in the Jewish tradition.

One title is: Blessed Art thou Among Women! 
There are only three women in all of Scripture who are called, "blessed among women."

Jael and Judith, who both cut off the heads of their enemies. And, Mary.
What does Mary have to do with these warrior Old Testament women?

These OT women cut off the head of their pagan enemy!

Harkens back to the first prophecy of the Bible, Genesis 3:15 (the Protoevangelium!)

The OT women were preliminary fulfillments of this prophesy.
Mary is the New Eve. The Ultimate Fulfillment of Genesis 3:15  is . . . The Blessed Virgin Mary! Because it is her son, Jesus Christ, who will defeat the devil.

Another title is: The Mother of my Lord
This shows us the Queenship of Mary.
Elizabeth refers to Mary as the Mother of My Lord.  Luke 1:43
God is "my Lord." 

"My Lord" is mother of the King, Mother of the Messiah; Mother of the Great Sons of David

Mary is being associated with that role of the Queen Mother because she is the mother of the new Davidic King, Jesus Christ. --- "The Mother of My Lord."

Another title is: The Ark of the Covenant which is great image in the Visitation scene.
This scene of The Visitation draws out those connection between the Ark of the Covenant of the Old Testament and Mary.

The Ark of the Covenant goes on a journey and stays in the house of Obed-edom for 3 months bringing great blessings upon that household.   
Mary goes on a journey. Mary journeys to the house of Zechariah for three month bringing great blessings upon that household.

David feels unworthy and says, "How can the Ark come unto me?"  
Elizabeth say, "How is it that the Mother of My Lord comes to me?"

Davis dances (leaping) before presence of the Ark of the Covenant.  2 Samuel 6
John the Baptist leaps in his mother Elizabet's  womb! Luke 1: 28

All of these things prophetically foreshadow Mary and the great journey she makes!

Elizabeth EXCLAIMS -- Luke chose this particular (Greek) word. It is used in the Septuagint (The Old Testament Greek translation) only 6X and each time it is used to describe the Ark of the Covenant  and -- people praising God before the Ark of the Covenant.
The Prayer of the Magnificat important!
Mary responds to Elizabeth by directing it all to God. 

source: http://www.spreecast.com/events/the-visitation-of-mary?referring_sid=146a7e615822b17ee3e:web.tab 

At the 45 minute mark, Dr. Sri has a WONDERFUL answer for those who ask us why we "worship" Mary. It is truly beautiful. 

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