Sunday, November 22, 2015

Thanksgiving 1, 2, 3, Squanto, Eucharista, Belloc

Most history books these days tell us that the first Thanksgiving was celebrated by the pilgrims in 1621. Not true. Perhaps these 3 facts will clear up this culturally accepted historical misconception which has reached the proportions of "myth."  
Have you ever heard the old adage, "real power belongs to those who write the history books?"  Unfortunately there is veracity in that statement, but we shouldn't let us deter us from seeking the truth.
But the truth is out there. Let's hang onto it. Here are the facts.

1st --> The First American Thanksgiving was celebrated on September 8, 1565 in St. Augustine, Florida. September 8 is the Feast of the birth of the Blessed Virgin. The Native Americans and Spanish settlers held a feast and the Holy Mass was offered. This was 56 years before the Puritan pilgrims of Massachusetts. 

2nd --> The next Thanksgiving celebration occurred on American soil on April 30, 1598 in Texas when Don Juan de Onate declared a day of Thanksgiving to be commemorated by the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Think about it . . . this was 23 years before the Pilgrims set sail from England on the Mayflower.
Don Juan de Oñate & the Mansos.
Painting by Jose Cisneros, courtesy of the University of Texas at El Paso 
3rd --> On the third Thanksgiving in 1621, the Pilgrims allegedly celebrated a happy meal with Native Americans and the rest is the history with which we are familiar.
Did you know that the Puritan pilgrims were violently anti-Catholic? The Puritans left England because they thought that the Church of England was too Catholic. These folks were strict Calvinists. The pilgrims also opposed celebrating Christmas, dancing, musical instruments in church, and even hymns. They considered these things too papistical.  Ironically, the Pilgrims shared the same problems that Catholics had in England. The Catholics who lived in Nottinghamshire where the Pilgrims originated, were persecuted mercilessly.

So while that 3rd Thanksgiving may celebrate the Calvinist Separatists who fled England,
there is more to the story. Catholics should remember that the same unjust laws that granted the crown of martyrdom to Thomas More, John Fisher, Edmund Campion, et al., are the same injustices that led the Pilgrims to Plymouth. Hmmmm, why don't the history books mention this? I do believe that the Protestant-shaded history textbooks is the fodder for a future post.

Here is my favorite favorite piece of Thanksgiving trivia.Remember Squanto, the beloved hero of Thanksgiving?  Squanto (also known as: Tisquantum) was the Native American man who mediated between the Puritan Pilgrims and the Native Americans. Squanto's history is amazing. He had actually been enslaved by the English but then freed by Spanish Franciscans. Squanto thus received baptism and became a Catholic. So it was a baptised Catholic Native American who orchestrated what has become known as the "first Thanksgiving."

Most importantly, let us remember that Thanksgiving" in Greek is Eucharista. Thus, the Body and Blood of Christ is the true "Thanksgiving Meal."

This Thanksgiving be sure to raise your wine glass and recite the wonderful limerick of Hilaire Belloc.
"Wherever the Catholic sun doth shine,
There's always laughter and good red wine.
At least I've always found it so.
Benedicamus Domino!"

Taylor Marshall

Friday, September 4, 2015

Template for an Apologetics Speech - Meaning & Significance Question

Every good speaker remembers to 1) Tell the audience what they are going to tell them.  2) Tell them.  3) Tell them what you just told them.
At the beginning add a hook,  introduce yourself, and let audience know what question you will be answering.
At the end recap, conclude, end decisively 
                  This is in place to "hook" the audience's interest
                  The hook might also be called an opener or teaser. It could be:
                  Story or

Hello, my name is ___________ and I would like to discuss the meaning and significance of __________________   OR
Hello, my name is ________________ and I have drawn the question, "What is the meaning and significance of __________________ ?" 

1) Tell the audience what they are going to tell them.
Give them a roadmap of where you are going together.
I will address this question through 3 points
Application (with a Call to Action)

2) Tell them.
AND! Tell them where you are at each point. Keep that roadmap in front of them.
POINT 1) MEANING: define
________________ means / is defined as / _________________________.
      Quote your source if applicable

Why is this important?
You can elaborate to explain.
~What would happen if we did not believe or have this? Or, if this did not exist.
Who is “WE?” . . . . . . Believers / Christians / Catholics / a Nation / Brothers and Sisters in Christ / Children of God / a people /-- decide which and proceed accordingly. Make sure your audience knows (It is always helpful if you know your audience.)
Use Quotes, Scripture, Common Sense, etc.

What should I do with this? How does this apply to _______ (Us? You? Me?) Remember again to consider your audience -- and proceed accordingly.
What should we do? Is there a  “call to action”? If so, what it is it?
Because _____________________ we should ______________________.
Prepare to transition into tying this back to your INTRO

3) Tell them what you just told them.
4) RE-CAP and/or “In Conclusion” 
Let’s re-cap: 
We (have) looked at the meaning of ____________________
We (have) looked at its significance (____________________)
And we (have) looked at how this applies to us ( _________ ) 

FAST VERSION ~>  “To conclude let me (recap or) remind you that we have examined the meaning, significance, and application (with a call to action) of ________________________”     OR
In Conclusion, we have looked at ____________________________

In which way would it be more memorable/interesting/meaningful? 

END DECISIVELY WITH a Scripture or Quote (or repeat a major one / a powerful one / a completely logical one, etc.)
Or, GIVE THE REST OF THE INTRO STORY HERE (if not done in the re-cap)

Then say, “Thank you for your time and attention.” (or something close to that)

  • Be sure to include appropriate Bible verses, and quotes. 
  • EMERGENCY EXIT PLAN  Have a practiced emergency conclusion in your arsenal. If you lose your way, go way off on a tangent, forget your planned ending, panic, or run waaaaay over time you will still end confidently. This might be a general quote, or a scripture tor just a rehearsed sentence or two to get you out gracefully.

Here are some of the M/S choices that are included in the 100 questions:

What is the meaning and significance of the image of God?

What is the meaning and significance of original sin?

What is the meaning and significance of the virgin birth?

What is the meaning and significance of Original Sin?

What is the meaning and significance of the Incarnation?

What is the meaning and significance of Jesus as the Word of God?

What is the meaning and significance of Jesus as the Lamb of God?

What is the meaning and significance of Biblical canon?


These are all above in RED 
1a) INTRO w/ hook
1b) Introduce self
1c) Announce the Q you will answer

2a) Meaning
2b) Significance
2c) Application/Call to Action

3a) ReCap and/or Conclusion (Finish story / Repeat / Reiterate)
3b) Make Sure You End Decisively 
3c) Say ,“Thank you”

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

5 Qs About Mary & A Wild Card Question

1) The Bible says "all have sinned." How can you believe that Mary was without sin? So, do Catholics believe that Mary did not need Jesus to be her Savior?

2) Why do Catholics believe Mary was so special . . . . she isn't even mentioned in the Old Testament. She is hardly mentioned in the New Testament.

3) The Bible says that Jesus had brothers and sisters. That proves Mary was not a perpetual virgin. Why do Catholics believe that? What's the big deal if she was or wasn't?

4) Why do Catholics worship Mary? For example, you say that prayer called, "Hail Mary." You have statues and pictures of her in your church and in your houses. You pray to her.

5) Why do you call Mary the New Eve and the Ark of the New Covenant?

WILD CARD: How can you prove the existence of God with this argument called "DESIGN"?

In addition to the CIA & SWAT websites, see also:

Friday, June 19, 2015

Proving the Existence of God - Argument from DESIGN

Christopher Stefanick 

Catholic Religion Teacher Series:

The Argument from Design from Catholic Religion Teacher on Vimeo.

Terms to understand (in the context of our argument):
1) Theist: one who believes in God (as the creator of the universe)

2) Atheist: one who does not believe in God (as the creator of the universe)

3) Premise: the base of an argument (the concept or statement or proposition) from which another is inferred or follows as a conclusion

4) Evolution does NOT support atheism

5) Natural Selection - survival of the fittest

6) ANTHROPIC PRINCIPAL: the universe was specially designed from the beginning for human life to evolve (happen). . . . . specially designed for human life

7) PRINCIPLE OF CAUSALITY: can't get more in an effect than in sum total of all causes. Examples: 

  • 4+1+2=7 
  • Painting with red and blue gives you red, blue, and/or purple (you can't get yellow) 
If there is intelligence in effect (humans), there must be intelligence in the cause.

8) GOLDILOCKS PRINCIPLE: "just right" 
This is closely related to the ANTHROPIC PRINCIPLE

9) Teleological Argument: another term that means Argument from Design
The teleological or physico-theological argument, also known as the argument from design, or intelligent design argument is an argument for the existence of God or, more generally, for an intelligent creator "based on perceived evidence of deliberate design in the natural or physical world"

10) Syllogism: ˈsiləˌjizəm
  1. A form of reasoning in which a conclusion is drawn (whether validly or not) from two given or assumed propositions (premises), each of which shares a term with the conclusion, and shares a common or middle term not present in the conclusion (e.g., all dogs are animals; all animals have four legs; therefore all dogs have four legs ).
    • deductive reasoning as distinct from induction.
      "logic is rules or syllogism

Premise 1: The more complex something is, the more likely it is a product of design (and not chance).

Premise 2: The universe (& many things within it) are infinitely more complex than all man made designs.

Conclusion: Therefore, the universe is a product of design (and not chance). The designer behind the universe is what we call God. 
KEYNOTES (slides)

Mrs. Cortez' sources:
Taylor Marshall's Thomas Aquinas in 50 Pages
Kreeft's Arguments For God (specific)
Kreeft's Arguments For God  (broader)